Post by Admin on Jul 27, 2015 16:06:51 GMT 1
The answer to the second question is yes. The lighter the effective mass is, the better the transport properties. For example in graphene, the effective mass of electrons close to Fermi energy and gamma point is zero.
Post by jollybrielle on Jul 28, 2015 5:12:12 GMT 1
Thank you for your answer. Also when i executed the fermi surface of my material, I encounter a problem Error: while executing exec /home/prgram/XcrysDen-1.5.21-bin-semishare/bin/wn_readbakgen bakgen.def As through my research, Peter Blaha suggested that :
"I did not check it myself, but probably in wn_readbakgen.f there are some fixed dimensions of some arrays limiting the size of the k-mesh. Check the source code and eventually recompile with larger dimensions.
Am 11.10.2012 18:25, schrieb vijaykumar gudelli: > Dear users, > I am using the Xcrysden to plot the Fermi surface. > But I am getting some error. > I can able to plot the Fermi surface for 44*44*44 k-mesh. > But I just want to do the same for higher mesh. When I'm using 58*58*58 > k-mesh I am getting error like > > *error while executing exec...... wn_readbakgen bakgen.def > > * Can anyone help to resolve this problem. > Thanks in advance. > > > -- _Regards_ >"
MY question is that I dont know which lines exactly I should modify since i looked at the script wn_readbakgen but there is no line mention about "executing exec" . What should I do to get a Fermi surface? Thank in advance
Post by Admin on Jul 28, 2015 10:35:03 GMT 1
Please post the wn_readbakgen.f file so that we can understand whether it is limited by the size of k-point mesh. However, can you plot Fermi surface with 44*44*44 mesh, as the other person did? If not then the problem is not from the size of k-mesh but from elsewhere.
Post by jollybrielle on Jul 29, 2015 3:38:34 GMT 1
program ReadBaKgen implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) c ========================================= c Usage: $0 OUTPUTBAND-file OUTPUTKGEN-file c ========================================= PARAMETER ( $ MAX_NKPT = 500000, $ MAX_IRNKPT = 7000, $ MAX_NBANDS = 700, $ MINE = 1, $ MAXE = 2)
character*6 match_line1 character*13 match_line2 character*256 filename character*80 line character*12 label, label1 CHARACTER*11 status, form logical not_match integer n(3), coor(3,MAX_NKPT), k_ired_ind(MAX_NKPT) integer fileseq_ired_ind(MAX_IRNKPT) integer seq2ired_ind(MAX_NKPT),itk integer index(6) dimension band_w(MAX_NBANDS,2), eigen(MAX_NBANDS,MAX_IRNKPT) dimension recVec(3,3)
c 123456 data match_line1 /' G1'/ c 1234567890123 data match_line2 /' NO. OF MESH'/
call getarg(2,filename) if(filename.eq.' ') call getarg(1,filename) OPEN(11,FILE=filename,STATUS='OLD',ERR=8000) 8003 READ(11,*,END=8001) IUNIT,FILENAME,STATUS,FORM,IRECL OPEN(IUNIT,FILE=FILENAME,STATUS=STATUS,FORM=FORM, * ERR=8002) GOTO 8003 8000 WRITE(*,*) ' ERROR IN OPENING BAKGEN.DEF !!!!' STOP 'SPAG.DEF' 8002 WRITE(*,*) ' ERROR IN OPENING UNIT:',IUNIT WRITE(*,*) ' FILENAME: ',FILENAME,' STATUS: ',STATUS, * ' FORM:',FORM STOP 'OPEN FAILED' 8001 CONTINUE label =' ' label1=' ' do i=1,12 if(filename(i:i).ne.'.') then label(i:i)=filename(i:i) else goto 100 endif enddo
100 continue
c c read IRREDUBIBLE SET of K-POINT ENERGIES c read(7,'(a)') line ! 'IRREDUCIBLE-KPOINT-SET' read(7,*) emin, emax read(7,*) nbands, n_ir_kpt do i=1,nbands read(7,*) iband, band_w(i,MINE), band_w(i,MAXE) do j=1,n_ir_kpt read(7,*) ik, eigen(i,j) c write(*,*) ik, eigen(i,j) enddo enddo c read(7,*) line ! 'END-IRREDUCIBLE-KPOINT-SET' close(7) c ***************************** c OUTPUTKGEN file is closed !!! c *****************************
c read reciprocal vectors c |11 21 31| |x1 x2 x3| c VEC = |12 22 32| => VEC = |y1 y2 y3| c |13 23 33| |z1 z2 z3| c ------------------------------- c VEC(i,j) = VEC(#vec,xyz) !!!!!! c ------------------------------- not_match=.true. do while(not_match) read(8,'(a80)') line if (match_line1 .eq. line(1:6)) then not_match=.false. c recvec are written in columns in OUTPUTKGEN file !!! do j=1,3 read(8,*) (recVec(i,j),i=1,3) enddo endif enddo
c find the number of K-points not_match=.true. do while(not_match) read(8,'(a80)') line if (match_line2 .eq. line(1:13))then not_match=.false. read(line,'(44x,i6)') nkpt endif enddo c read the division factors read(8,'(53x,3i5)') (n(i),i=1,3) read(8,*) line c c read the k-coordinates(integer) & ireducible-point-indeces c ind=0 do i=1,n(1)+1 do j=1,n(2)+1 do k=1,n(3)+1 ind=ind+1 read(8,*) itk,(coor(l,ind),l=1,3),k_ired_ind(ind) enddo enddo enddo
c read " weights of k-points:" line !!! read(8,*) line do i=1,n_ir_kpt read(8,*) itk, fileseq_ired_ind(i) enddo close(8) c **************************** c OUTPUTKGEN file is closed!!! c ****************************
c c reassign k_ired_ind() as is done in "$WIENROOT/SRC_kgen/zuord.f" c ind1=0 ind2=0 do i=1,n(1)+1 do j=1,n(2)+1 do k=1,n(3)+1 ind1=ind1+1 if (ind1 .eq. k_ired_ind(ind1)) then ind2=ind2+1 c k_ired_ind(ind1)=ind2 seq2ired_ind(ind1)=ind2 !!!! c print *,k_ired_ind(ind1), c $ (coor(l,k_ired_ind(ind1)),l=1,3) else seq2ired_ind(ind1) = k_ired_ind( k_ired_ind(ind1) ) endif enddo enddo enddo
c c write ENERGIES of K-POINTS in XSF file c write(10,*) 'BEGIN_BLOCK_BANDGRID3D' write(10,*) 'band_energies' write(10,*) 'BANDGRID_3D_BANDS' write(10,*) nbands write(10,*) n(1)+1,n(2)+1,n(3)+1 write(10,*) 0.0,0.0,0.0 !origin c ------------------------------- c VEC(i,j) = VEC(#vec,xyz) !!!!!! c ------------------------------- write(10,*) (recVec(1,j),j=1,3) !reciprocal vectors write(10,*) (recVec(2,j),j=1,3) !reciprocal vectors write(10,*) (recVec(3,j),j=1,3) !reciprocal vectors do ib=1,nbands write(10,*) 'BAND: ',ib ic=0 ind1=0 do i=1,n(1)+1 do j=1,n(2)+1 do k=1,n(3)+1 ic=ic+1 ind1 = ind1 + 1 ind2 = k_ired_ind(ind1) index(ic) = seq2ired_ind(ind2) c index(ic) = ind2 c print *,ind1,index(ic), c do l=1,n_ir_kpt c if(fileseq_ired_ind(l) .eq. ind2) index(ic)=l c enddo if(ic.eq.6)then c print *,(index(ii),ii=1,6) write(10,'(6(E12.6,1x))') $ (eigen(ib,index(ii)),ii=1,6) ic=0 endif enddo enddo enddo if (ic.gt.0) write(10,'(6(E12.6,1x))') $ (eigen(ib,index(ii)),ii=1,ic) enddo write(10,*) 'END_BANDGRID_3D' write(10,*) 'END_BLOCK_BANDGRID3D' goto 1000
999 print *,'could not open file: ',filename stop 'OPEN FAILED'
1000 continue END
c c THIS IS THE RIGHT ORDER, STUDY IT !!! c c if(iswitch.eq.1)write(66,*)' internal and cartesian k-vectors:' c DO 10 I1=1,N(1)+1 c DO 10 I2=1,N(2)+1 c DO 10 I3=1,N(3)+1 c I=I+1 c IF(I.GT.NMSHP) THEN c PRINT*,'I.GT.NMSHP,STOP',I,I1,I2,I3 c STOP c END IF c IF(I.EQ.NUM(I))THEN c NDIM=NDIM+1 c IF(NDIM.GT.IDKP) THEN c WRITE(66,1000) c1000 FORMAT(1H ,'NUMBER OF INEQUIVALENT POINTS ECCEEDS IDKP') c STOP c END IF c NUM(I)=NDIM c RINDA=(DBLE(I1-1)+DBLE(ISHIFT(1))/2.D0)/DBLE(N(1)) c RINDB=(DBLE(I2-1)+DBLE(ISHIFT(2))/2.D0)/DBLE(N(2)) c RINDC=(DBLE(I3-1)+DBLE(ISHIFT(3))/2.D0)/DBLE(N(3)) c BK(1,NDIM)=GBAS(1,1)*RINDA+GBAS(2,1)*RINDB+GBAS(3,1)*RINDC c BK(2,NDIM)=GBAS(1,2)*RINDA+GBAS(2,2)*RINDB+GBAS(3,2)*RINDC c BK(3,NDIM)=GBAS(1,3)*RINDA+GBAS(2,3)*RINDB+GBAS(3,3)*RINDC cc BK(1,NDIM)=GBAS(1,1)*RINDA+GBAS(1,2)*RINDB+GBAS(1,3)*RINDC cc BK(2,NDIM)=GBAS(2,1)*RINDA+GBAS(2,2)*RINDB+GBAS(2,3)*RINDC cc BK(3,NDIM)=GBAS(3,1)*RINDA+GBAS(3,2)*RINDB+GBAS(3,3)*RINDC c bki(1,ndim)=rinda c bki(2,ndim)=rindb c bki(3,ndim)=rindc c if(iswitch.eq.1) c * write(66,100) rinda,rindb,rindc,bk(1,ndim),bk(2,ndim),bk(3,ndim) c 100 format(3f10.5,10x,3f10.5) c ELSE c IF(NUM(I).GT.NMSHP) PRINT*,'ERROR' c NUM(I)=NUM(NUM(I)) c END IF
Post by Admin on Aug 2, 2015 23:49:44 GMT 1
For Fermi surface in VASP, May be you can try : web.mit.edu/qianxf/www/software.htmlI did not do it personally, but pm me if you want to plot along with me. According to the code, it seems you need minimum 3 k points and maximum 7000 k points in the irreducible part of the brilloin zone. Which you can change below and recompile if you need: PARAMETER ( $ MAX_NKPT = 500000, $ MAX_IRNKPT = 7000, $ MAX_NBANDS = 700, $ MINE = 1, $ MAXE = 2)
Post by centrsnabignineE on Aug 7, 2019 11:31:50 GMT 1
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Post by centrsnabignineE on Sept 28, 2019 1:47:45 GMT 1
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Post by ignineE on Sept 29, 2019 9:19:56 GMT 1
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Post by bbzignineE on Oct 7, 2019 23:14:27 GMT 1
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